Articles Archive for October 2012

29 Oct 2012

Monday was Halloween party night, with the Scouts enjoying Apple bobbing and wrap the Mummy games to name a few. Well done to all Scouts who were invested on Monday night and as promised here are the positions for the District, Division and County badges on the right hand sleeve of the uniform.
Posted by GSL Ian

11 Oct 2012

Just to remind you Scouts is back on a Monday evening from the 15th October, 7:30pm to 9:00pm.
We have lost quite a few due to moving up into Explorer Scout section, so if you would like to join Basford Scouts come down to the hall on Monday night from 7:30.
Posted by GSL Ian.

10 Oct 2012

Newcastle District Scouts took part in the District 2012 Scout Camp at Kibblestone. 60 Scouts and leaders attended the camp and spent the weekend learning about and taking part in activities such as pioneering, axe and bow saw use, make and bake bread twists and preparing, cooking and eating fish. The Scouts also enjoyed a campfire, film night, non Olympic team games and wide games.
On the Saturday the Scouts also prepared and cooked their own chicken stew as part of the District cooking competition, which this year was won by …

10 Oct 2012

The Poppy appeal needs you!
Basford Beavers and Cubs will again be selling Poppies for the Royal British Legion.
We will be in Morrisons on the 27th October, so come along and see us, say hello and buy a Poppy from us 🙂
Posted by GSL Ian